Okay, so I need to tell you guys why Kido Yuya's second DVD is the greatest thing ever and needs to win like a million film awards for being THE GREATEST THING EVER AND DID I MENTION IT'S THE GREATEST THING EVER? Don't get me wrong, the first one was friggin' awesome, but the second one ups the ante by like OVER NINE THOUSAND times.
Reason one: COSPLAY. I voted for that one on the online poll like five hundred times hoping it would involve a gakuran, and guess what! It did! Which was actually the least mindblowingly awesome of the options. (Except the patissier costume, I have no idea what the person who thought up that one was thinking.) ANGEL COSTUME. DEMON COSTUME. SHINSENGUMI COSTUME a;skhgdasd ponytail and everything. (Attention
acchikocchi, I believe we have another overlooked Okita. =D)
FFFFF SO CUUUUUTE. BTW after he put it on he said that although he'd worn a gakuran for a drama he'd never done it up, so he hadn't worn one properly since middle school and it was a kind of nostalgic feeling. Meaning he addressed every single one of my thoughts on the subject in one go. ♥
I. I don't even have words. *bites knuckles*
...Yeah, I still don't really get this one. But hey, he iced and decorated the cake himself! Okay even that's not very interesting, IDK, HE'S STILL TOTALLY CUTE.
...lol I am a dirty old lady who definitely enjoyed this one too much. |o/
My immediate reaction to the hat was "Haha why so Alice and the Pirates?"... and then according to the credits I was totally right, it is an AATP hat. In fact it's the same hat Jimi-kun from Chemical Pictures wore for
the AATP in-store event! (This makes me all giggling 'cause Jimi-kun's a friend of a friend. Okay I'm stupid, I know.)
Reason two: TOUR OF HIS ROOM. Adorable because he apologizes in advance for the mess but it's actually not messy at all. And he's still using pink sheets on his bed. *DIES*
They blur out around half the stuff in his room, it's ridiculous. BTW, that UVERworld poster above his guitars? They forget to blur it out until about halfway through the segment. BUT IT'S PRETTY OBVIOUS EVERY ONE OF HIS POSTERS IS UVERWORLD, COME ON...
Okay, the righthand side of the shelf. Top shelf is entirely One Piece, I think the middle shelf is Bleach, and the bottom shelf is Cross Game and... ChocoMimi. ONE OF THESE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER~... XD
Apparently this is how he updates his blog. I will never think of his blog the same way again.
THE POSTERS AHAHAHAHA. *rolls on the floor* (Is it weird if I start recognizing stuff from around his room from his blog?
He also talked about his family in that segment, and it was really, really sweet even though I couldn't understand basically most of it. I swear he teared up, effectively breaking my little heart. ;_;
Anyway, reason three: Sato Hisanori breaks into his hotel room to wake him up. He touches Yuya's legs, keeps up a steady stream of babbling about how cute he is, steals his wallet, and smells his slippers and shoes, saying they smell like ikemen.
...Thank you, Satopi, for ensuring I will never feel like a creepy fan ever again.
"KAWAII KAWAII~~~" Okay, he does have a point, but still.
He finds a slipper on the floor. And then smells it. And says it smells like ikemen. IDEK YOU GUYS. I'll admit to sniffing the letter that came with the DVD but this is a whole different level of fancreepy.
HE STOLE HIS WALLET. Why are they friends. Just, why.
HIS SHOE! Guess what he does with it. Go on, guess.
Sato you adorable freak of nature, there is something wrong with you. (And yes, it apparently also smells like ikemen.)
He wakes him up by stroking his legs with a paintbrush. I'm pretty sure we've already established even I think this is ridiculously weird but I really don't know what else to say. *gives up*
Even though the letters are printouts (in his writing, though!) he signed each one and put them all in envelopes himself. I FEEL SO SPECIAL. ♥♥♥
So basically in conclusion Kido Yuya's second DVD should win the Oscar for Greatest Thing Ever Created.
Also Sato Hisanori sets the bar so high for 'creepy fan' status that I will never worry about it ever again. \o/