A new boy band has formed for the upcoming drama series "Indigo no Yoru," which was announced by Fuji TV last month. Dubbed "INDIGO 4," the group consists of four actors appearing in the drama
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He was Tuxedo Mask in the Sailor Moon musicals. ~BORN TO BE A STAR~, obviously.
Oh yeah, and then there's Delicious Gakuin.
Watch to the end, there's singing and dancing. It's... special. I swear it gets more surreal the longer you watch. (Between Seramyu, ChocoMimi, and DeliGaku I am kind of not surprised he changed his name.)
Obvious boyband material, come on.
Oh yeah, and then there's Delicious Gakuin.
Watch to the end, there's singing and dancing. It's... special. I swear it gets more surreal the longer you watch. (Between Seramyu, ChocoMimi, and DeliGaku I am kind of not surprised he changed his name.)
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