Apr 29, 2009 18:45
So it's finally spring! How do I know this? There's groundhogs everywhere. They're so damn cute, too. (They run when I try to feed them, though... That's probably for the best.)
I had my 19th Century Lit exam last week so I decided I was not going to attend that class today. As a result, I slept until around 2PM, had a nice long shower, then headed out for Gothic Lit. It was all really quite lovely~ We talked about Polidori's The Vampyre, which was surprisingly pretty fun.
AWESOME T.A. LADY: So was anyone actually scared by The Vampyre?
ME: ...Yes, quite a bit, actually. >.>
In retrospect I probably shouldn't have read it right before going to bed; I ended up staring at the ceiling at five in the morning, whimpering, "Can't sleep, Lord Ruthven'll get me!"
AWESOME T.A. LADY: I want to ask, before we wrap up - does anyone here believe in vampires?
ONE GUY: I believe there are people who believe they're vampires.
TWO GIRLS: We wish sparkly vampires were real~
ME: Well I don't not believe in them. When you start ruling stuff out like that is when you start increasing your likelihood of DYING BECAUSE OF IT. Don't you people watch movies?
Basically, they're probably not real, but on the off chance they are I want to be prepared! ...But considering how traumatizing Carmilla is turning out to be, I may be screwed either way.
Speaking of Carmilla, it's out of the freezer! At least until I clean out the fridge so it doesn't absorb any more questionable odors. Vampire books that smell like cookie dough are not to be trusted. Basically I put it in my backpack, zipped it up, and tied the zippers together so it couldn't get out. WHAT. WHAT. I AM A PERFECTLY RATIONAL PERSON. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT.
Oh, and remember the six page essay I wrote in fifty minutes? B+ get!
gothic lit,