How can something like this just let me freaking so out. What I`m talking about? I`m talking about the fact, that I was crazy jumping around, after I watched the new trailer for New Moon. I mean it`s just a movie, but I`m already so in love with the book, that I probably shouldn`t be anxious about my behavior. But okay back to that what this entry actually is about, New Moon. I really get the feeling that it will be hundred times better that Twilight. I do not mean that Twilight wasn`t good, but I think this time is:
a) a better director
b) the movie is closer to the book
c) it`s full of jacobness (hihi)
And another important thing that (I think) you can already see in the trailers, is that the chemistry between Kristen and Taylor is as gorgeous as between Kristen and Robert.
I`m just so excited and I really do not think that I will get disappointed at all!!!
Oh and if you seriously don`t know, what this insane girl is talking about here the super hot, breathtaking trailer:
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