starting tomorrow i'm going back to my old diet. you know, the one i lost almost thrity pounds on. yeah, i feel as if i'm gaining the weight back and i'm just not satisfied with my body. i want to be able to wear a bathing suit this summer and feel like i'm hot. wish me luck.
this weekend i went to my dads house and this morning i went to ikea. i love going to ikea! [is it just me? lol.] i feel as if it's like, so fun. i finally got a bedroom set for my room at my dads house because for like a 2 months i've been sleeping on the floor. [don't ask how that happened, i'm not even quite sure lmao.] it's really cool. it's like, very modern and close to the floor. i'll post pictures of it [from the ikea site though, because i didn't put it together yet and plus i'm at my moms house now.] i also got these two really awesome mirros. they're like the size of me, or maybe a little big bigger and you hang them on the wall. psht, so hot.
this is the twin size though, i got mine in full.
this is the mirror! how hot is it? ahh, i'm excited.
lucas [my little brother who is 1 and a half] is so freaking cute. whenever he hears music he dances different ways depending on what type of music it is, and my dad turns on the tv today and the last channel that was on was mtv 2. so that comes on and they're playing music videos. the music video that happened to be playing was grills by nelly. omg. lucas starting dancing to it and like, getting low to the groud. adorable.
so yeah, nothing else happened this weekend so, no more. i'll write in here tomorrow.
good bye loves.
alright, nothing else really happened this weekened.