Aug 10, 2004 04:20
plz do this and put it as a reply in my journal, or send it in an
*1. Full Birth Name: chad shockroo
*2. Natural Hair Color: Brown
*3. Hair Color Currently: blond brown red orange
*4. Eye color: grey or blue or green or red
*6. Height Currently: 5' 10" or 5' 11"
*7. Glasses/Contacts: none
*8. Birthdate: july 10 1990
*9. Sign: cancer
*10. Current Age: 14
*11. Parents Names: bob and stacey
*12. Siblings: corey and keith
*13. Location: attleboro, MA
*14. School Attended: AHS
*15. Current Grade: freshman
*16. Current Mood: bored
*17. Planned College Major:forensic investigation
*18. Planned College Minor: botany lol
*19. Any Piercing: 2 in each ear
*20. Any Tattoos: none yet
*1. Girl Friend(s):leah, emily, lizz, alisha, chels, jamie, anyone else i 4got, i have to many to list
*2. Guy Friend(s): henry, buker, freddy, markus, more but i cant remember, its 2 early
*3. Current Boy/girl friend: single baby heh
*4. Hobbies: writing, listening to music, kickin ass on SOF, pimpin it lol, moshing, smokin pot, so on
*5. Where Can You Usually Be Found?: my house, sleepin usually
*6. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: lizz, henry, or a computer lol
*7. Pager: none
*8. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: im always the center of attention, even when i just wana be part of the crowd
*9. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: whatever i steal
*10. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: the dragula
*11. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date:both, like, a double date, to the movies, then to wendys, hell yeah....
*12. Where Is The Best Hangout: mall, WNM, my place
*13. Do You Have A Job:im gunna apply to seabra...pushin carrages, y not?
*14. Where Do You Attend Church: no need to, even if i was christian, still wouldnt go
*15. Where's the best place to have a date: sittin on top of a roof, laying on a soft blanket, eating chinese and lookin at the stars...if it sounds fun call me ;-)
Out Of Your Friends Who...
*1. Have You Known The Longest: lizz...about 9 years...
*2. Do You Argue The Most With: no one really
*3. Do You Always Get Along With: henry, lizz, freddy, buker, emily, and leah
*5. Makes You Laugh The Most: henry, freddy, and leah
*6. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: emily
*8. Is The Most Sensitive: buker, cuz hes a pussy lol
*10. Has The Coolest Siblings: i dont like siblings.....
*11. Is The Most Blunt: henry, hehe blunt....yeah...
*12. Is The Shyest: idk...
*13. Is The Most Outgoing: freddy
*13. Has The Coolest Parents: i dont like parents
*14. Is Most Rebellious: henry
*15. Is Most Conservative: my friends are not conservitive
*16. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: henry
*17. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: we are all pretty lazy, so noone
*18. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: dan
*19. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: no one
*20. Most likely To Never Have Kids: lizz
*21. Always Wears A Smile: leah
*22. Is Smartest: henry, in a spirtitual way
*23. Who Has The Biggest Attitude: idk
*24. Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You: no one lol
*25. Complains The Least: henry
*26. Biggest Flirt: henry
*27. Needs A Good Man/Woman: richard
*28. Never EVER Betrayed you: henry
*30. Easiest to talk to: emily
*1. Who Is Your Role Model: role models r for ppl who arent brave enough to live there own life, but if i had to pick, kud from mudvayne
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: ghetto kids
*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: yes
*4. Have You Ever Loved Someone You Had No Chance With: nope, cuz ppl like me, im lucky....
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: once
*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go after: someone who isnt afraid to be themself
*7. How Long Was Your Longest Relationship: a year
*8. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): dont think so
*9. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: yes
*10. Ever Been Cheated On: yes
*11. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: yes
*12. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: hate both of them, but they are both enevitable
*13. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": right now, it seems to be hookups, cuz i cant make up my mind on anything
*14: Want someone you don't have right now: i dont need to want, ill just try 4 it even if i shouldnt lol
*15. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: yes
*16. Do You Want To Get Married: kinda...only 4 the wedding cake lol
*17. Do You Want Kids: nope, to much work lol
*18. Do You Believe In Psychics: yea
*20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Physical Being: my big dick eyes
*21. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional being: what ever makes ppl so attracted to me...if u no what it is tell me plz
*22. Are You Happy With You: at this point yes
*23. Are You Happy With Your Life: yes
*24. Are You Scared Right Now: nope...i have no reason to
*25. If You Could Change Something In Your Life, Right Now What Would It Be:dont fuck with fate ppl
*1. Kiss: the first one with that person, its so passionate and new
*2. Room In house: whereever the party is...i love partys
*3. Girl's Name: vesper
*4. Guy's Name: spencer
*5. Person to talk to about your problems: i havnt had problems latly, but it would be emily
*6. Song: right now...A7X-unholy conffesions or poison the well-nerdy
*7. Movie: fight club
*8. Actor/Actress: edward norton
*9. Soda: cream soda
*10. Candy: reeses peices
*11. Band/Artist:mudvayne, slipkont, lamb of god, ICP, twiztid, ABK, blaze, korn, theres alot more but im lazy
*12. Salad Dressing: italian
*13. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: none
*16. Day of The Week: friday
*17. Color: black
*18. Cologne/perfume: axe*essence
*19. TV Show: invader ZIM
*20. Flower: black roses
*21. Fast Food Place: mcdonalds or wendys
*22. Game: Diablo II or SOF
*23. Love Song: incubus-steller
*24. Teacher: none
*25. Clothing: jeans and a slipknot shirt
*26. Possession:my individuality
*27. Season: summer, no fuckin skool
*28. Vacation Spot: a camp site
*29. Person To Give Advice To: anyone who needs it
*30. Person To Get Advice From: anyone who has it
*1. Cried: nope
*2. Bought Something: nope
*3. Gotten Sick: no
*4. Sang: yeah, i always do
*5. Eaten: yesah
*6. Been Kissed: yup
*7. Felt stupid: yeah
*8. Said I Love You: nope
*10. Met Someone New: actually no
*11. Moved On: no
*12. Talk To An Ex: nope
*13. Missed An Ex: alot
*14. Talked To your Boy/girlfriend: dont have one
*15. Had a Serious talk: nope
*16. Missed Someone: yeh
*17. Hugged Someone: yes
*18. Fought With Your Parents: nope
*19. Fought With A Friend: nope
*20. Dreamed About Someone: idk i dont remember my dreams