thursday we had our ancient was major gay!
me and chow traveled into the city together excited to get maccas breaky...unfortunately there was not a maccas in sight. we were greatly dissapointed.
we got there in plenty of time and waited fro everyone else to turn up. we got bored so pictures were taken.
we had a lecture about sparta and it was quite quite boring. this lead me to draw pretty little doodles all over my page.
we had lunch, talked and took more photos...
we then headed into the city to shop and find pretty stuff...
we caught a train
it was way exciting. we walked down past a fountain where kate made us take a photo
woo tall short enterprises represent!
we then caught a train home excited about the next day!
friday night we went to yoyo's. it was way cool!
we got dropped off at emilys house and pretended to walk up her driveway. we then had to run for the train as we thought we were running late...little did we was the train that was late. this then stuffed up our next train to get from hornsby, but it wasn't that bad as we still got to chatswood in time. the train ride consisted of photo that is what we do best!
we threw in a bit of artistic ability this time, and the goods were delivered!
we got to chatswood and had to run for the bus. we got to the bottom of the stairs just to see the bus pull out. we thought we were screwed when i realised there was a firest bus at the bottom os the we went for a run again! we got on the bus and i've never felt so relieved to sit down as i did then. we puffed our unhealth unfit bodies away untill we got to forest way.
i never knew i knew so many people in one place before. we found joel who brought us what we love!!! PASSION POP!!! well actually it was "passion spumantee" but it still did the job!
we hid around the side and made ourselves happy.
we entered the venue where we were to find many other people.
yes ladies and gentlemen, that is a penis in the corner of this photo.
becky had a penis lolliepop and it was much fun to play with!
yoyo's was really good...although i didn't really get to see the band i'd been hanging out for "the matches" i heard them play, and saw a little bit...but i had the best time ever! i got to see leah who gave me a candy necklace...i felt so special! i got to see john...who knows i love him, and the fact that he wasn't even going to come as noone else was coming made me feel really bad...but really special! i got to hang out with my friends who i only ever see at school we never do anything together...they are the coolest! i got to see my girlfriend emily...who i miss oh so dearly! i got to see emily's friends...who are really nice and cool! i got to see joel who i haven't seen for long time...and he wore his dress!!! i got to meet new people, and catch up with old people.
yoyo's may be a real shitwhole of a venue, but there are so many people that i got to see there, and i'm so happy its there!
THANK YOU YOYO"S!!! i heart you!