Jul 13, 2013 11:00
Okay so I have no picture of merch to flail to that has anything to do with holidays.
I say holidays but I'll be off to the beach hiding indoors with my awesome awesome friend who lives there until the following Wednesday night! (17th July) I will still have access to a computer so I will try and get back to anyone who wishes to contact me! I know I'm in a couple of GA's and purchasing awesome stuff so hopefully you'll see this (or I'll PM later...) but as for now I must catch my train soon! It's going to be a loooong travel but so worth it away from here!
I was going to do all this LAST NIGHT but livejournal decided to do maintenance. >w>;
I'll treat this like a holiday! I've been needing one for a looong time! Then I will come back to fun. Yay! Wheeeee <3