alot has happneed

Jul 17, 2005 01:04

heather and i hung out till about 5:30 and then we decied to go to the mall. my mom dad my sister nad heather all went. we went and got matching shirt thongs and shoes. we also got our warped tour tickets!! hells yes im sooo excited. well after that we went to mejirs to get some ice cream and stuff. to make blizzards it was fun. heather left around 11. o and cody and gerrud ditched us to go to mike brechts new house.i miss mike sooo much! i can't wait to see him.

heather came over around 9:30. we decied we wanted to go to media play and buy some new movies or dvds. actually we decied to go see gerrud becuase he was doing some karate thing there becuase it was the opening of the harry potter book! it was fun emma miley was there. well we left there around 10:30 and decided to come home and talk on the phone and shit. it was soo funny. WE talked to our frined matt from trinity. he is really cool he was visting his grandma and gradpa house which is down the street. there was a big fight becuase htis kid zak is a queer. he told me and heather that gerrud and cody didn't even like us. but matt was like he is just doing that becuase he olikes ou and heatehr and tahts just how he gets girls! so taht sucked alot he was writing around and heather kicked him in the shina nd then i slapped him across the face.

today was great. me heather and katie got into a fight but we fixed it so i guess thats good. it was really gay though becuase katies siter had to get involved. but whatevere katie came over around 3:30 were we made our warped tour toghter. i was acting soo stupid i was dancing to the gayest music in the whole world. then we nad heather went to go babysit next door at 5:30 taht was a nightmare. the dog almost chocked and he chewed up all the garbage. it was okay though we put the boys to sleep around 8:30 which tehy just layed there while mae and heatehr called cody and gerru dover. we hung out with them there foe a little bit. then gerrud kept getting perinod. so he hopped the fence and waited at my hosue becuase cody would not leave. well when they left we went to my hosue and got them which from there we went to katies house and went streaking on her street now that was fun. after that we came back to my hosue and we were all so hypered. me and cody were in the room having fun and then gerrud and heather had there time. i felt bad for katie thoiugh. they left around 12:10 and iot was great only heather knows what i mean ;) hahaha the end of teh night when we could'nt find the whole. but yea. katie heather nad i made blizzards and some other stuff so now im going ot hang out with my two bestest friends in the whole owrld.

<3 cody i love you more athan anything in the world

<3 heather i love you soo much ;) this summer has been great

<3 katie no one will ever take your place i promise
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