Jan 03, 2008 22:04
Everyone, unless they have the tenacity of a pitbull, will put weight on over the Festive season, you just can't help it when you're surrounded by lashings of delectable food.
With me it wasn't just that we got shitloads of chocolates and biscuits for Christmas of family and friends, it was also the fact that all the money we'd had went towards presents and Christmas lunch that I had nothing in the house, apart from salad, that I could eat for breakfast, and as we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so when you don't have dietary/normal breakfast stuff you end up eating toast and other carbs for that meal - which I did. :o\
Hence I put on a couple of kilo over the last two weeks, but as of today I am back on the diet with a vengeance. I also got a voucher in the mail from Weight Watchers, inviting me back into the fold, with offers of a free session and free membership - who could resist?
I have until the 9th Feb to take them up on the offer, so I'll see how I go over the next week or two, to see if I could do with an eight or twelve week boost.
There's no doubt, going to the meetings does help give you incentive. The meetings are great and I would go wihtout a problem if it was a little cheaper, but when I'm forking out $15.00 per week on my gym memberhsip, $16.95 per week for Mark's and then add another $17.95 for weight watchers into the mix on top of the healthier foodstuffs I have to buy - I'm broke.
Anyway, I started this morning at 122.8 (six kilo's down from what I started as eight weeks ago) and tonight I just weighted myself (I know, I'm not supposed to but pfft!) and I'm down to 121.9 already. I have eaten all my meals today, and drank, though not as much water as I should, and then I exercised for 30 minutes in the pool, so I'm heading in the right direction.
Anyway - enough for now.
Ciao Bella