♔ affiliates

Feb 21, 2009 15:21

If you wish to affiliate, please leave a comment with your community name and 3 samples of your icon
- accepting only graphics and layout communities.
- here's my samples but you can choose from the batches and don't hot linking

love_gfxs sacarine


by milaovexo by aitotchideto, yo-bailo, mookyo   vivid_tears masked_angels


by abthitine by xoxoknlove & joongified    spoiledtreats  the_glass_case 


    silentconcerts  j_k_icons


 by timeslips & myscratchpost by aoi_sama896 and team   perfect_smoke chippugp


 by akira_nya by gyaku    cielthesky

   by tokyoo_denwa

ps: this is underconstruction


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