Dec 27, 2004 22:53
i have not had a good week at all, so many things have not gone as planned. its getting old and friday is my birthday, its even going to suck probably.
im beginning to stress over the fact that cadie might not be turned the right way, by now she should be head down. and at the moment i believe that she is lying directly across my stomach. this means if she does not change i cannot have her normally. i can make a huge list of positives and negatives for having a c-section....but overall i'd much prefer not being cut open after being given a spinal from hell.
but in all reality i really cant tell how the hell she is laying. i feel arms and feet flailing in all directions, i feel like one day its gonna go right through me.
non related baby things....hmm its funny i cant find much to talk about besides the baby. welcome to motherhood i guess right?
awww i was just reminded that almost a year ago today i met tony and kristi!! yay for red stripe and them asking me if i wanted one. miss you guys!!!
its actually amazing how you can bond so much with people, in such a short period of time. i knew them all of a week, and they're awesome friends, at least kristi is haha
on that note i really need a vacation. or something different! life is boring.