its been about a year since i posted an actual entry..
things have changed.
Times have changed
Friends have TOTALLY changed.
in 2 1/2 months i graduate from high school.
Yes im terrified, and in other ways, i'm totally ready.
I'm tired of having to sit in high school and be feared for my life because some dickhead thinks its cool to shoot off a gun. And im tired of sitting in a class with a bunch of idiots and an idiot teacher trying to teach idiot things.
i want a real education! This year im busy enough because 1. its my senior year, 2. i'm taking a college class 3. i'm doing drivers ed and 4. i'm working too!
over achiever i know.
hopefully in a few months i'll be moved in with chris. Or half and half.
and my parents will be moving too, and i'll work full time, and go to school full time :)
I'm excited to be moving on. I've waited for this for yeaaaaars. im so happy the day has finally come.
That's about as much that's going on.