I was suppose to post this friday... forgot

Mar 06, 2011 16:20

Monday I had a dentist appointment to have the doctor look at my jaw problem. Wasn't TMJ, it was an infection in the gum around my wisdom tooth on my left! I was then put of Antibacterial and Ibuprofen pills so I can open my jaw for Thursday when they will pull out my wisdom teeth! OMG those pills were wonderful! I could open my jaw like a normal person! Then thursday came...

Thursday, I got my wisdom teeth pulled! Ouch, yeah, it hurt! So the Doctor injected my mouth like more than 20 times!! Before we started he injected my whole mouth! My eyelids were even numb and it felt weird to blink! Before he pulled out my teeth he injected my mouth 3 times with each tooth before he pulled them, just to be sure I didn't have pain! It's a very weird feeling having my teeth pulled! I will admit that I cried a lot!!! More about the pain of my jaw than the pain of the teeth being pulled! When he was pulling my bottom teeth the dental assistant had to hold my jaw cause I told them I felt like it was going to snap off. There was pressure and a little bit of pain, wasn't that bad, but I definitely white knuckling my chair as I sat there. I had to have stitches on my bottom half of my jaw, wasn't terrible! Didn't even feel it because I was already SOOO numb! I was so numb that when they told me to close my mouth on the suction tube thingy I couldn't even tell if my mouth was closed. I felt like my jaw was doing some kind of bulldog type thing!

After it was all done, I took a huge breath and said 'OH MY!' My dentist laughed patted me on the shoulder and said 'you did a good job McKenzie! Very good!' THEN I WENT HOME YEAH! Hours later my mouth was in so much pain! The numbness wore off! They put gauze in my mouth and gave me instructions! Told me to take my meds and to have ice cream and soft food like Mashed Potatoes! I get to have Mac and Cheese because I don't even chew it, Never have! I can't wait to have solid food again! I can have them Sunday/Monday! I am going to have a sandwich!!

Also today, I came down with some sickness! I was working all week and after I got my teeth pulled I just kinda let go and relaxed and every time I do that after something huge/stressful I always get sick! Hopefully this won't last long! I should be well by Sunday/Monday!


It's sunday, still can't eat until like wednesday :/ Still sick and my stitches are bugging me still. It's starting to get on my nerves, I can't wait to have them removed!!

I shouldn't be sneezing or coughing cause that can give me dry socket, BLEH! Hopefully that doesn't happen!!


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