Oct 22, 2008 20:57
You ever notice that when you write something on paper, it looks so long and glorious and awesome, and then when you type it up, it becomes this really sad tiny thing? I hate that so much. It may be an individual thing, but I always feel really accomplished when I write something out first, just because I'm really impatient and my hands get tired so easily that it's like YAY GO ME! But then, I go home and get all sad, haha.
In case you're wondering, this was brought on by an Aerith/Zack drabble I wrote today that looked masterful on paper and then died on my computer. :( I really wish I could get past 1,000 words with those things, but that seems to become my blocking point. One day, I want to pop out something over 100,000 words, but I doubt that'll ever happen.
personal: writing