PiStOnS ToNiGhT WoO BaBy!

Dec 08, 2004 15:57

Wow...haven't updated in quite some time...I've been really busy lately.

Recent news on "my best school night"...in the course of the past two weeks there have been two rather AmAzInG school nights.  Last wednesday when Ernanda spent the night...hahahahha....oh GOD----> Moose preserve, Grandmas having a stroke! (to run from the resturant), Birmingham, random chololate store, getting lost, "track meets" that NEVER end, crashing private parties, unspeakables...haha and so much more.

Then even more recently...monday.  Probably the best monday I've had during the school year.  YAY for ABSOLUTELY no sleep, and coming home at 6:15.

LetS SeE...highlights of recent events--

*Im not sure when it was, but i'd like to call it the "sabra gets screwed night".  Hahah...I love you babe, hopefully you'll get un-grounded SOON.  Otherwise we might just have to abduct you.

*Thenn most recently-- StAtE w/ Jessica!  Random, but good.

Tonight i'm going to the PiStOnS game, then perhaps not coming home :)  I am DEFINATELY screwed for finals next week.  BOOOOO!

think I might go take a nap before the game/ do homework?  Leave some love notess...
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