Jul 10, 2004 12:08
last night was wickked fun! Well frist i hung out w/ robin all day and then she left me... :-( ~~~its ok tho i'll get over it. look at that im already over it! wow im hyper . N e ways me and jess went to go c ashley, dannny d, charles, and beth. Well they were deciding wat game to play and then ashley brought out Taboo then jess is like KAthleen wats my nickname for u i was like "BEAN" and we got a point. THen she asked me wat i call her shes like JB i was like "JELLY BEAN" it was funny.
Me and robin's fone convo:
WEll Robin cant find her cat. lolz. and she likes to sit in her daddys car lolz . "its pretty scary when a computer motior comes towards ur face!" "yeastay up there bitch!" "no he couldnt have the window's not even punctured!" BOOM "omg just got the thing stuck in the door!" "ROCKO" "Rocko...ROCKO...ouch" "I cant find Scam" "friggen...FRIGGEN ...FREAK!" "Okay im good now" lolz all the random things u say robin!lolz
g2g bbye