Mar 20, 2005 18:19
FRIDAY:went to a dance and got to see josh and ryan and tim .Tim didnt talk kmuch (pissed me off) and then ryan came and then we started talking about his eatin habits and i cried cuz i thought about him and james. i miss james actually im talking to him on the phone right now hahaha. then josh came and HES SO DAMN HOT!! i got to grab his ass...half the time it was cuz i was forced the other half was cuz i wanted to lol. HE HAS A NICE ASS then taryn talked to ryan who talked to josh bout giving me a hug and josh walked uo too and me and hugged me. yay. then i got all jealous cuz he was with this two otha girls... did i metion he has a girlfriend? he does. anyways at the end he asked for a a hug and i said es. i got one of the BEST hugs EVER. it was awesome. it was a lonnnggg asss hug too. i loved it ! hahah i want josh.
SAT: i hung out with ryan,taryn,robin,kristin,nikkie,and jess. I actually got to kno Ryan. me and him had a couple talks. The we walked to taryn's house it was fun...
Sun: went to the casino saw like 7 hott guys. it rocked.