Which of ur friends.... (long survey! really good for bored people) Created by
gabonator and taken 169 times on
bzoink!which of your friends....gives the best hugs?um....Nickhas the most family problems?im not sayingis the most athleticKristinmost stupid?Myselfmost outgoing?TARYNmost shy?Robinmost intelligent in school?Tashahas the best taste in music?ummm....Robin and Taryncan u relate to the most?Robin is the hottest?ERIChas a crush on you?idk anyone got a crush on me?talks to u online the most?Benji or Nikkiedo you hang out with the most?um lately nikkie but usually Robindo u talk to on the phone the most?probably Jesshas the coolest clothes?um.Taryn goes through the most bf/gf's?me...is the tallest?jessicer i think or robin one or otheris the skiniest?Jessis the shortest?TARYNis the most loyal?no clueis the best at advise?Benjihave u been friends w/ the longest?Jessicais ur newest friend?no clueu dont tell NE thing to?um not sayingcusses the most?Nicole or Robingets in trouble the most?Jesshave u gone out with the most?idkhas the prettiest eyes?Jakeis the funniest?Tarynis the best at cheering u up?All of themis the best at writing poetry?Chelsea,Robin,Taryndont go to ur school?like half of them lolis the weirdest?WE ALL AREis the most dumb blondish?Robeinois a player?Jakelikes to do things, and say things u do, and basically copies u?no clue...Nikkie maybe?goes to ur house the most?Nicole or Jesshouse u go to the most?Jess or Robinis teh best kisseseri dont knowis gay?a fewisnt a virgin?Chelseais most popular?Chelseais most likely to stab u in the back?NOT SAYINGstands up for u the most?Robin and Jessdo u never want to loose?Jess and Robin and Benjido u get in the most fights with? or HAVE GOTTEN into the msot fights with?ROBINis the most competitive?Kristinhas a birthday closest to urs? by how many days/weeks?Kristin - 8 days apartis the bigest computer freak?probably myselfhas bad acne?none of us do i dont think idkis the most sarcastic?Tarynmost redneck-ish?no clueacts too preppy?Chelseagets sick the most?Me is the funnest? (not funny, but fun)Robin,Tarynis most bossy?we arent very bossy people....gets joked the most?ME oe Nicolesmiles to much?Chelseaemailed u last?Robin
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