Jun 03, 2008 16:01
I'm sick.
I'm sick of dealing with depression and I hate everything involved. I hate how I can't make things better with my mom. It hurts me when I hear her say how disappointed she is in me because of my schooling, saying that I will never go anywhere in life and do anything because I'm going to have a minimum wage job all of my life (which isn't true.). I know most of it is overexaggerated and all about her, anyways. Its something satan has master of in her heart that is affecting my whole family. I wish i understood depression but I've come to the conclusion that it is purely selfish and makes absolutely no sense but to the one going through it. How can you comfort a severely depressed person but to pray? What can I do but the lean on God? I need help in prayer. Please pray for my mom. I don't want this depression to get such a hold on her that it makes her do something stupid, I also want to keep a godly perspective on this all. I don't want to take any personal attacks personally, because I know they're lies. She wants to feel this and to feel that, and she doesn't. Shes just so diluded that she doesn't understand whats around her and what God has given her. I'm kinda lost. i don't know what to do or say to her. I'm not working to get my GED to please or satisfy her and I told her that, but I am doing it because I know its right and virtuous and what God wants for my life.
I'm just scared she'll quit her job or take too many of her pills or do something that will hurt herself and us. I just want her to see the truth and feel the love and grace of God. I just wish she could see it. I wish so many things but I know that they are unattainable if I and others do not pray. My mom's had severe depression since she was a late teenager and shes taken medication for it since. I don't believe its something she was born with, I believe its something satan has her held to and it needs to be broken. It hurts so much watching her feel so hopeless and unloved and unappreciated and worthless. It all came out of no where. Please pray for her.