we don't have to go nowhere, it's not what i want, baby it's you..

Oct 31, 2004 11:50

the whole school day consisted of every girl in the ap history class panicking! we complained to every teacher, but then towards the end of the day i just had a neutral attitude about the test. it was either i passed or i failed, i didn't care anymore. so 8th period comes and she gives us the test, and all you hear is like everyone just make a sigh of relief. the first 50 questions of the test were the same exact questions copied from the review questions she gave us! i flew through those, then the last 20 came. they were easy, with the exception of a few. so all of that studying was pointless, and i got 3 hours of sleep for nothing! i went to work after school and then pat picked me up. when we got to my house i got changed and then we went to his house and met his dad. he took us to the tennis club that pat goes to every thursday for tennis lessons. pat wanted me to watch him so i did. i brought my math with me to study, too. we stopped at wawa on the way there and got sandwiches and i bought my lemonade iced tea. the lesson was a little over an hour, and then we went back to pat's house. i stayed over until 10:30 and then he took me home.

we watched 'the crucible' again in english. i'm becoming terrified of it. we had an accounting quiz and i had a call slip to go to see mrs. packman, my counselor. i took the quiz and then went to her office. we went over my psats from last year, and she told me what i need to start doing to improve my critical reading, because i suck at it. she was very pleased with my other scores though. she gave me a list of programs and books that i should buy to do good on my sats, and she told me when she wants me to take the sats and sat 2s. we also went over my roster and she asked me if i was feeling pressured at all with them. i told her about my history test and how i had a precalc test, and how i only get stressed out when my teachers kill us with homework and studying. she scheduled me a second appointment to talk about colleges, and that's on november 10th. we got into a disagreement with father zlock about dogs and how they don't go to heaven, but i truly believe they do. he pisses me off with his comments. he gave us candy though! my mom was here for lunch to give everyone halloween bags ahah, but i had shitty candy in mine. we had our precalc test during 7th period, and because she fucked up some of the questions shes not going to count any 2 we left blank or lost the most points for, so that's good. i feel like i did good but then i feel like i fucked it up completely, so we'll see! she gave us a take-home part, too. in 8th period we got back our tests and quizzes. i got an 86 on the quiz, but a 94 on the test!! i was excited. she gave like most of the class, with the exception of marilyn, an 80 on the dbq. i'm a little pissed, because i feel she graded the boys differently. after school i went to lauren's house to pick up the marilyn monroe wig, and then walked home. at 6:30 i got ready for pat's halloween party, and i went over his house at 7:30. ryan was lil' jon, and he definitely took home the prize for best costume! pat was joe dimaggio, go figure ahah. we played charades for like 2 hours and our team lost both times. we had alot of fun. i went home at 1:30 and went straight to bed.

i woke up at 11:00 and went to cheerleading practice at 12:30. it was only an hour long. we did a half hour workout, then worked on the dance the rest of the time. the dance looks cute, for the most part. it just needs a lot of work! when i got home i showered, and then at 3:30 i went with pat, nicolai, and christina to the cherry hill mall. we ate and walked around a little. nicolai bought a 'vote or die!' shirt. i want one soo bad, but i never saw the ones they made for girls. i went to pat's house afterwards, and we fell asleep for a while. at 8:30 vinnie came over and then we drove to the movies. we met greg, ryan, lauren, christina, jacqui, lauren desantis, christina furia, angelica, and tommy [hope i didn't forget anyone!] there. we all bought our tickets for the 10:10 showing of 'the grudge'. we went back to pat's house so vinnie could get his car, then everyone met back at the movies again. we got our seats and waited for the movie. pat watched maybe the first 2 minutes, and then put his head down on my lap the rest of the time. for anyone who wants to see it, i don't recommend it at all. it was a terrible movie with a bad ending. we should've went to see 'saw', but oh well. after the movies we went to geno's, and then pat had me in for 1:00. i went online for a half hour and then talked to pat until he fell asleep. by then it was like 1:55 so i figured i might as well watch my phone change from 1:59 to 1:00, because i always wanted to and i said i would ahah. it was pretty weird, right before it changed to 1:00, it went from 1:59 to 12:59, then to 1:00. right after that i fell asleep.

happy halloween!! i woke up at 9:00 and called pat. we stayed on the phone for a while. i made a bagel and then watched 'spongebob squarepants' followed by 'best week ever'. i realized that everyone is making such a HUGE deal about ashlee simpson's snl performance. like get over it, fuckin half these pop stars lip synch today, but ashlee gets caught and all hell breaks loose. if you watched her show, you would know she has acid reflux, and she can't sing her best all the time! britney spears gets away with lip synching, and she's a multi-millionaire! she can't sing if her life depended on it, so bash her career. i hate critics, but oh well.

i'm just waiting for pat to get done work. i'm off tomorrow for like the first time all year. pat has school, but i'll go over his house anyway. i can't wait to see all the trick-or-teaters tonight, they're so cute! i miss doing that so much, it's depressing. now i get to give out the candy.

i'll try to update tonight or tomorrow!
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