Oct 03, 2004 01:00
so larry bowa [manager of phillies] was fired today. all i have to say about this is that ed wade should be the one to go. bowa was such a great manager and was well-liked by many. yea he's got a big mouth and says some dumb shit but who cares? that's philly for ya..
thursday night
at practice we learned part of a new dance. it's sooo cute! i'm starting to think that krystal has something against me though.. cause no matter what i'm like ALWAYS in the back! and i'm not the type to brag but i know i deserve to be in a better spot than that. if i wasn't good then why did i make it in 8th grade? that just got me pissed off.. but then for some reason krystal changed my spot. i'm still in the back but it's not as bad as before. maybe she saw my pissed off look hahah. oh well. i went home after practiced and studied.. then went to sleep.
school was good. we took an easy english test and if it wasn't for lauren i would've did poorly because she had the sparknotes test printed out and that's what the test was on. in biology we took an easy definitions test and when we passed the papers up i realized that i left the first question blank and i freaked out. mr. ditomasso was kindly enough to trust that i didn't look at lauren mcglone's answer [because i didn't!] and let me fill it in.. but first i had to take a few deep breaths because i freaked out! everyone was laughing at me ahah i was all embarassed.. oh well. after school i passed out on my bed instead of going to work because i wasn't feeling well. at 7:00 pat picked me up and at 8:30 we went to south street with dana, jackie, jacque, christina, lauren, zuino, nicolai, greg, and jay. deanna met up with us a little while later and we all walked around. we went to johnny rockets to eat and gianna and kris met us there. since it was kris's birthday we got them to sing 'happy birthday' to him and he got his free sundae. it was cute ahah. ashley brady and her b/f joey stopped by and then i went off with deanna to look for nova ice [a jewelry store]. pat ended up tagging along and when we finally found it we spent a few minutes in there. i bought a pair of heart earrings and chanel earrings. they're very sparkly and pretty! ahah. we stopped in a cd store and deanna bought green day's 'american idiot' cd. we then learned that everyone went home so deanna's dad came to pick her up and then pat drove me home. i fell right asleep.
i woke up at 10:30 and went over pat's at 11:30. his new furniture for the den came and once everything got settled in we cleaned the room up and then cooked. by then it was 3:30 and pat took a nap before he had to go to work. at 4:10 he drove me home and i sat around for a bit. pat informed me at 6:45 that bowa was fired and then that became the talk of the house. he picked me up at 7:45 and we went back to his house so he could get changed. we drove to the cherry hill mall and walked around for a bit.. then went to loews. we saw 'a shark tale'.. omG it was adorable! the characters actually portrayed the actors who did the voices. i think everyone needs to go see it!! after the movie pat drove me home.. and here i am.
i'm extremely tired and i have a lot of homework tomorrow plus i need to start studying for my precalc test that's on tuesday. so off to bed i go..