Feb 24, 2004 07:48
I have nothing really to say at this point. I can not see whats going to happen next and it scares me. I like to know whats going on but this time for the life of me I cannot. I know what is going to happen is going to be huge. Other than that I really do not know. It is like karma and I have been on a see saw. We give and take but we seem to always stay on the thing. When we find a balence then all will be well. Until then i guess we will just have to sit there. Go with the ride and talk of things that I hope happen. Which is something that I do end up doing. I hope I still have some of my drive left. You know that gravel in my guts and the spit in my eye. The challenge with this one is a whole new set of rules and the cost is high. Its make or break which is like everything else I deal with in this shab little world. Its small to me because well, I have a feeling that somethin more is just around the corner. Something more...More of what though. More hardships and lost dignity and pride. Or more success which will boggle my well being. I dont think the success planned out for me is going to be something i dont expect but just kind of shows up.
I know what I have to do its just where do i go from here.
Have a good day.