Nov 07, 2004 11:53
Last night I just found out that this guy that I sorta new, George Pierce, died. I was really close to his wife, Erin. I'm really sad and worried about Erin because they have a daughter who's only like 1. I need to get in touch with Erin but I don't have her number anymore. It sucks, I need to find out when his wake is gonna be. I should go. I need to be there for Ernie.
Me and someone that should go unnamed ripped this kid named RJ off not long ago, it ended up not being worth it because he fuckin lied abou what he had and how many he had. So we kinda took them and ditched him. I felt bad about it at first, leavin him without a ride but when we get back to my friends house, he's there waiting :S.... He knocks on the window of my car and we just drive off LMAO. That was the funniest shit in the world, to watch him stand there with a dumbfounded look on his face watching us drive off.
Later on he is blowin my phone up, so I get billy to talk to him, and Billy goes off on him and scares him a lil bit. Then RJ is like "well they made me walk 12 miles" yet, he got there in less than an hour... 12 miles in 1 hour? RIIIIGHT. So then he says he ran it.
Then we find out that he lied to his mom and told her all this crap about us making him steal the pills and everything. So we told her that he was stealing them and then tryin to sell them to people. Its so childish all together but here are pieces from the IM i just had with him LOL.
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: oh and by the way, you didn't walk 12 miles
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: not in the hour it took u to get to jimmy's house
PuNks N 87: yall completly contorted shit
PuNks N 87: i ran
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: a 12 mile walk will take you damn near all day?
PuNks N 87: b.c i was pissed
PuNks N 87: ha ha
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: OMG you are such a freakin liar
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you expect me to believe that you ran 12 miles
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: how fucking stupid are you?
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you're not even in shape
PuNks N 87: ha ha..
PuNks N 87: i skateboard..
PuNks N 87: im not in shape ,...right
PuNks N 87: so when are you going to disconnect me..
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: yeah because you look so cut right, no.
PuNks N 87: no..
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you're a skinny lil wank
PuNks N 87: because i have strong legs
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you didn't run 12 miles and even then, it would have taken you alot longer than it did
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: we were there in like an hour
PuNks N 87: PISH..OK
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: use your head before you talk damn
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you're a freakin idiot
PuNks N 87: no..
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: "i walked 12 miles" then you changed it to "I ran 12 miles"
PuNks N 87: im a nutjob
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: atleast keep ur story straight
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you didn't do either
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you got a ride
PuNks N 87: ha ha
PuNks N 87: bull shit
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: and your stepdads truck was there
PuNks N 87: prove it
PuNks N 87: yeah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: i talked to your mother
uNks N 87: they picked me up dumbass
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: uh huh
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: your bullshit is through.
PuNks N 87: yeah..
PuNks N 87: ha ha
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: so i suppose your mom lied
PuNks N 87: thats why they said theyd fuck yall up if you threatened us any more
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: no they didn't........ and no one threatened you.
PuNks N 87: iv got the voice mail messages
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: I never left one, Jimmy never left one
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: Billy left one, to you, not to ur family
PuNks N 87: your boy friend
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: he would never do anything to ur family
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: so there was no "us"
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: there was YOU
PuNks N 87: well considering its my moms voice mail not mine..
PuNks N 87: and i never said any thing to her..
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: she told me what u said
PuNks N 87: yall brougt it on all of us
PuNks N 87: i dident say any thing
PuNks N 87: she herd the messge
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: ok so she lied?
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: about what you told her
PuNks N 87: i told her i dident know what she was talking about
PuNks N 87: yes she lied..
PuNks N 87: i dont know
PuNks N 87: what did she say
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: my god i hate a fucking liar
PuNks N 87: she says stuff to get people to freak out and tell the truth
PuNks N 87: i dont care if you herd
PuNks N 87: she lied
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: and You stole from her and offered, and thats what we said.
PuNks N 87: dumby
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: I'm the dumb one?
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: yeah Rj, you're the one thats told like what? 3 stories
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you ruined your credibility
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: i dont give a fuck]
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: stop being a liar
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: you keep talking but all i hear is
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: act like a child now
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: such an immature little boy
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: i would be so freakin embarrassed
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: if i was you
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: i dont give a fuck
PuNks N 87: i dont have nothing to prove
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: because you're a liar
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you cant prove anything
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: I on the other hand, use my intellect.
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: I have proof among proof among proof to prove my point
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: i get facts to back my shit up
PuNks N 87: your a low life degenerate junkie
PuNks N 87: and i hope you rot in hell in a pool of your own excrements
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: all you do is lie and hope for the best, namecall, and then go into a fit of immaturity
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: when you're caught out..
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: call me what you will, its just you projecting your own insecurities upon me.
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: and aren't you the one who was going on about being addicted to opiants
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: that would make YOU a junkie
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: hypocritical faggot
PuNks N 87: blah blah blah
PuNks N 87: youd probally suck dick for bag
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: actually no i wouldn't
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you are fucking pathetic
PuNks N 87: blah blah
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: you know
PuNks N 87: know that your a sadistic trifulling bitch
JulZ SeXGoDDeSS: awww as if i wasn't aware already
I've been hanging out with Jagger alot lately, she'd been sneaking out because her parents are psycho, and she got caught the other day. She's in a lot of trouble and not allowed to talk to me anymore. Which is really really stupid. Parents and their control issues. I kinda see it from their perspective but, I wouldn't be so psychotically trying to keep my child a prisoner. If they're sneaking out and don't wanna be home, its for a reason.
I miss Billy really bad for some reason right now. I haven't talked to him in a few hours, lately he's been so good to me. I love him so much. He makes me feel so safe, so secure. I love him with my all.
Quote of the moment - "I died, and they brought me back...... but I don't know if they really did or not." - unnamed.