Mar 01, 2008 00:50
14 Vancouver B.C.@ somehwere, maybe, w/Sojourner
15 Victoria B.C.@ Camas Anarchist Bookstore w/Sojourner, Heirophant, Compound Terror
16 Bellingham, maybe, w/Sojourner
18 West Seattle Legion Hall w/ 7 Generations, This Time Tomorrow, A Better Hope Foundation, Maladie
22 Seattle@ some house in the Central District w/Up Shit Creek, Glue
Tour with Sojourner:
23 Portland@ Pink House w/ LOGS, Transient
24 Reno@ some house
25 San Francisco@ Thrillhouse Records w/Acts of Sedition
26 LA@Hellfish Warehouse w/Graf Orlock, Ghostlimb, Maladie, Fischer
27 Somewhere. Perhaps.
28 Berkeley@ Gilman w/Acts of Sedition
29 Santa Cruz@ some house jason is figuring it out
30 Redding@ The Thunderdome w/The Seperation
should be fun!