Mar 12, 2004 08:51
Well the pic in the corner is of my ex Dan, excpet i edited it a lil will the computer. So i was listening to the radio and evenesence came on. I lvoe their CD. The song reminded me of him. And really made it click how lucky i am to have John in my life. I think my relationship with Dan lasted way to long, and well i have to be honest the biginning was great...but that only laste dlike 6 months out of the 2 year relationship. But i think it had to be that way so that i would appreciate how good i have it when John is in my life.
I had never had some who took care of me the minute i needed it. John takes care of everything in my life when i need it...from car insurance money when i dont have enough, to takin care of me when i am sick, an dmaking appointments for me cuz i am to shy to do it for myself.
No other guy i think could be as perfect as John is to me. I LOVE YOU! and i just wan to thank Victoria and Ashley.
Vic if you hadnt thought that away message was about, or even told me to check it out i never would have started talking to him! I f you hadny wanted him to like someand encouraged me to keep talking to him i mite have gotten to shy and not pursued it.
And ash if you hadnt called random bois that were in my cellie, like you always did on the way to soccer games to have "fans", then i dunno when i would have met John. And we never would have gone to perks, or thrown our ice creams away when him and Carabia were talking out side...and we nerver would have gon e to castle island. Thank you both so much!
well i gatta go but ill write again later
With a hugg and a kiss this chick is out like this