Feb 24, 2004 18:33
I hope you enjoy the picture of me and my snoopy...it is from last years prom...isnt she cute...giving me a kiss and all....lol
Well i am in the prom fawshion show!...i got th emoney for my add...created the add....and saved everything wehre ir wsa supposed and passed in everything i was supposed to too.....i cant wait it is ganna be so much fun!!!!!!
Today i got a math quiz back and i got 10o i was excited! dont know why i am writting about it but neways......i am so bored i think i mite clean my room...lol i really wish that i was at work...that is sad....but i really need the money lol...hopefully i either start at Macy's soon or get that life guard position at the Y...i mean if i am payinf 80 (even thogh its supposed to be 300) i betta get the job.
Damn i just realized that my car insurance is due soon...well i guess its ok cuz john gave me 1/2 of the money he owed me and is giving me 70 more friday adn the ill add my 60 and pay my insurance .... i really need that second job....i hate how that is the main thing on my!
all rite i am outie