Aug 15, 2003 16:38 That's all I can say. It all started when I left work on Sunday. Vanessa and I were finally on our way to see Hanson in Boston. It's about damn time, right?
Well, first, they were going to be appearing at MIX98.5 in Boston, so we decided we'd go there to see what we could do to meet/see them. Word to the wise...don't use MapQuest for ANYTHING! They got us totally lost. Apparently there are 2 Soldiers Field Roads in Boston..or...something. It ended up taking us about 2 hours to find this stupid radio station once we finally figured it out. When we got there, it was about 2am on Monday, the 11th. We set up shop in the parking lot and took out some acrylic paint. On the windows of Vanessa's Explorer, we painted the Hanson symbol in various places, and "" in others. It ended up coming out kind of cute. At about 5:30am we decided we need to use the bathroom, so we walked around and found a McDonald's that wasn't even open yet...but they let us in anyway to use the bathrooms. When we got back to the station, there were people there. So, we hung out w/them (they're awesome, by the way) for a while & bonded. Finally, we found out they were giving away passes to get inside the studio when Hanson was going to play their little acoustic set for the station. We called and called and called w/o the aid of the Vanessa decided to head back to the truck. I told her to beep the horn 3 times when they said call in, so that I would know when to call and still stake our spots as the first ones there. When the time came to call in, Ness beeped and I started dialing. After 3 tries and 3 busy signals..I finally got through. As it turns out, I was the right caller and they wanted to hear a Hanson story from me. I ended up telling them about our mishap on our trip to Tulsa in October. Apparently, the station people liked my story and we GOT IN. I ran down the street to where Vanessa was in the truck and yelled "VaneSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" We jumped into a hug in excitement over winning. After we calmed down, we layed on the grass, trying to let everything set in. The promotions lady from the station called me abou 45 minutes after I won to tell me that we had to check in by about 12:45pm as the show was set to start at around 1 or 1:30. I'm not going to go into what happened inside just yet, I think this entry is long enough. Let's just say that it was amazing, we got the most attention out of all the winners, and Hanson gave us CDs. They're so amazing..I can't even tell you.
I'll finish this trip hands are really tired.