May 17, 2006 07:16
Okay so I was thinking about the LJ tag game. and I can't do it. I really have nothing to say to any of you that I wouldn't say to your face if you asked me personally what I thought about you.
There's no secret rantings or anything I have to get out, I'm not tricking any of you into think more of you then I do.
In other news, plane tickets for Sweden should be bought either Saturday or Sunday!
At least for Kyle and I and hopefully Danny if he can scrape up 900$.
I'm glad I'm a stingy ass bitch because at least I dont have to worry about finding 2.5 k in two and a half months because I already have it. It kinda sucks my parents won't even give me a dollar towards this trip. But that's how the real world does it. Or something fuckign like that. I don't know.