Apr 21, 2014 22:30
Its that time of night. When I'm tired but not sleepy enough to sleep. And I'm extremely in my head. Something triggered me last night. Someone. And its been difficult ever since. Maybe I just need a good night's sleep. But I'm not feeling very healthy. Mentally or physically. Its not a good place to be. I just want someone to talk to about frivolous things. And I want to read. I want to just sit and read for days in the sun. That sounds so nice. Its supposed to rain tomorrow. I don't know how I feel about that. The kids will be excited. But keeping them inside all day is also quite the task. My new class seems pretty good though. Thank God for that. I just can't help but think I need a break. And I just got off Spring Vacation. But there was so much going on that I didn't get to really laze about as much as I'd like. I just want a real vacation. Load my Kindle with as many books as I can and take off. Sit on a beach somewhere with a water bottle and my sunglasses. A pair of flip flops and a book bag with all the essentials. Camera, Phone, Kindle, Cigarettes, Lighter, Notebook, Journal, Ample Writing Utensils, iPod, Headphones, etc. etc. I think you get the picture. It sounds great. I would say maybe this summer but if I'm working. Sigh. Oh well. Such is life.
P.S. This song makes me want to watch the League of Extraordinary Gentleman. What a fucking awesome movie. My dad liked it too. Movies just aren't what they used to be anymore.
in need of,
talk to me