Alright it's a late morning of no sleep.
I've been making graphics and writing a lot
of thank you to our fans. I love life!
Now some really good news!
Who is playing with Funeral For A Friend, Static Lullaby and LoveHateHero?
That is right, FIFTHstreetHEIST is. Not only that but we're kind of booking it!
The date hasn't been totally confirmed, but SHIT YEAH!
We're going to try and I repeat TRY for 450 to 500 kids this
coming Saturday. If it happen that will be the biggest show
there! It's a nice line up! I'm really excited, I love to play shows
and the Cpac shows us so much love!
that the image I made this morning. Not to much, but I lik it.
and here is this weekends flyer!
Did I say that I love life yet? No, well I do!
Taking that big move was the best choice in my life.
this is where I'm suppose to be, and these are the guys
I'm suppose to be with. We say we're going to do this
and we do it.
Oh speaking of witch!
Planing out a tour with Gwen Stacy for a Winter
tour, I'm fucking excited. All my bands are like
We're going to tour, we're going to do this, but NONE
of them did. FIFTHstreetHEIST isn't like that, and I LOVE
that so much!
Well I think that about wraps up that. Everyone have
a great morning and night!