May 01, 2006 23:37
Find these things and post them in a comment
if its a picture know how to use the < img src= blah blah"> thing.
I'll request something then give instructions.
A Picture of a really fat Cat. fattest cat wins the hunt. 3 points.
3rd sentence of the delaration of independence. just get it. 2 points.
A Painting by me. and when I say me,I mean Paul Harmon. Best Painting wins the hunt. 3 points.
Something hilarious. Anything, funniest thing wins the hunt. 3 points for winnar.
Name 3 mini-shows from Nickolodians KABLAAM. ANSWER! 1-10 points. (depending on my fav shows)
There will be a prize for the winnar, now go you sons a bitches!