Dec 14, 2003 17:41
lets go past awkward, and go straight to majorly uncomfortable. it's not as easy as it looks, nina. he's chicken, and i'm chicken. lol. it's sad, yes. but HEY! he's the guy... that's HIS job. it just makes it worse when you push it, ya know? i've told you time and time again, that pushing it is just making it worse.. i mean, telling me what he said and stuff is fine.. but like literally PUSHING (lol) me. i know it 's all good intentions, and i appreciate it all. love ya! xoxo ♥ i hope everything works out with me and him. because he's so damn fine.. :) and i hope that he knows that. he should know that since i'm so afraid to talk to him, shows how much i thinks he's HOT! because i'd hate for him to think that i'm not interested ♥