Feb 14, 2004 12:57
So finally it has come... it is the WORST day out of the 365 (sometimes 366) that they cram into one year... Valentine's Day. Thank god it didn't fall on a school day this year or I may have "accidentally" regurgitated all over one of the many sets of dozen roses prancing around everywhere. I mean, how does anyone manage to carry around a dozen roses AND their books?! I just dont get it.
Everything is so fucked up with me and Christa... but she gave me a rose last night and I wanted to cry so maybe that means that things are going to get better. To catch up anyone that doesn't know, I talked to Nicole (The Cunt.... and Christa's ex) the other night and it kinda fucked everything up between everyone. I dont regret it though, talking to her I mean. It wasn't even like I was a bitch about it.
Blah. Stupid Cunt.
Christa: Alright, I'm going to go back out with Nicole.
Me: *Silence*
Christa: Can we still talk and all?
Me: ........... No.
But then there was the conclusion that neither Nicole or I were to talk to her unless she contacted one of us.
And I Hope
I hope every time Nicole looks at her she knows MY lips were the last Christa kissed.
And I hope every time Christa pulls a hair off of a hoodie I've worn Nicole knows it's one of MINE that still lingers there.
And every time Nicole sees Christa in the halls I hope she know it's MY ring that still hangs around her neck..
I Hope...
i hope.
So Christa went to school on friday and Nicole didn't talk to her and this makes everything all better, which I think is bullshit... or I dunno. I feel so mixed up... and somehow I dont want anyone to know cause I can handle this.. right?
Do you ever feel like you're in Wonderland and nothing is supposed so make sense?
I Love You.