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Dec 05, 2003 17:55

Today was tiightest day ever..
it started out in the morning i got starbucks then went to school
now today we dont have a school day it was a play.. so a field trip to a play..
( i feel like one of those kids says, YAY FIELD TRIP) haha lol
well my Madre drove me, Job, jeff, brook jenna, and tyler.. Were all getting in the car.. and jeff runns up and jumps in the front seat im like no boy sry thats my seat. so i just let him have it While we were driving we were listenig to tool? ive never heard of em its typers music he is weird.. i <3 u tyler, lol. So anyways, as awe got their is was kewl there wasnt enough seat in the "hang out area" so i was sitting on like people(jeff, jason,fadi, kent) Ya i love those kids.. Finally we are going in see the play.. 2 hours past it was a good play (a christman carol)ya i liked it .. its the first play ive ever been too. We leave from the play with jeff me jenna job and brook in the car, SO me mom being the coolest person she is .. toko us to IN N OUT mmmm i <3 iIN N OUT.. So we got all finished eating and jeffs like lexy tell ur mom to go to the bike shop so on our back we stopped at the bike shop.. and brook was telling me how when she takes me to go dirrtbiking she is gonna film it.. haha im soo excited ya anyways.. we stopped their and it was boring.. so we left
And our drive was soo tiight i love you guys<33 Ya so i told my mom im like mom lets nto go to school yet lets go to my house so we did go to my house..
And they loved it.. every friday there coming over lol.. So ya me jeff jenna brook and job and tyler went in the backyard to the halfpipe and we looked and omg JEFF LOVED CODY(dog,,puppy) it was hilarious he was all pulling his skinits was soo funny ya <33 sO THEN I SHowed them my house and they LOVED it we went in my room.. hung out had fun then OMG IVE NEVER SEEN TYLER SO HAPPY IT WAS SOO FUNNY!! LMFAO cause i had vice city so jeff job and tyler played that .. It was funny then we all got jamba juice and now every1 wants to come over now..
they benchpressed kinda it wwas tiight!!!\

Then i went to baja fresh with my madre and we saw.. the benyo's(including Jeff, Jason ♥ , Mrs. benyo their daddy, Joe, jamers was with jason ♥, Lol And their grandparents,heh) Then i saw john john... Heh it was a wv gathering AND THEN i saw my friend kristin..<3


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