Jan 16, 2005 22:09
Well, I just called Cassi and broke up with her. That was definitly one of the hardest and worst things I've ever had to do. I feel horrible; but for me right now, I think it was for the best. Her birthday is in a week and a few days, so I know I couldn't have picked a worse time, and I know it seems cruel and heartless, but I really think it's something I had to do. There was never gonna be a good time, so...
I've been going back and thinking "did I really do the right thing?" I really think I did, though. A relationship just isn't gonna work for me right now, I have way too much else going on. She was crushed, and crying pretty bad, and I really didn't know what to say. I still wanna be her friend, and I told her that, but she said that she didn't know if she could; which I understand, but wish it didn't hafta be like that.
It's gonna suck for her, I'm sure; amd I'm feeling pretty shitty right now too; but we'll both get through it, we'll both move on, it's just how life goes sometimes. I really wish it didn't hafta be this way, but I couldn't keep on going like I was. With everything else I'm doing, a girlfriend is just too much right now.
I know she's not okay right now, but I really hope she will be soon. Just because I don't want to be in a relationship with her right now doesn't mean that I don't care about her, and it doesn't mean that I don't still have feelings for her, because I do, just not in the same way.
But now, I just need to go sort things out in my mind. Later