Sep 02, 2004 21:47
Okay. I was just reading over a conversation I had with Pete, and I found it quite comical. It's really the first time I've gone back and looked at one of our conversations. They're, interesting, to say the least. This is a typical Chris-Pete online conversation:
DBX4444: i now getto write a 2 page essay
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol ouch
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol i hear ya
DBX4444: im sick of always hearing sappy love songs, on the radio
xXi MiSs yOuX: all day
xXi MiSs yOuX: it is therre to remind
xXi MiSs yOuX: another sensitive guy
xXi MiSs yOuX: that hes lost and alone
xXi MiSs yOuX: yeha
DBX4444: i c ant forget cant forgive
xXi MiSs yOuX: no!
xXi MiSs yOuX: i hate
DBX4444: cant give in
xXi MiSs yOuX: our favoritie resteraunt
xXi MiSs yOuX: our favorite movie
xXi MiSs yOuX: our favorite show
DBX4444: lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: we would
xXi MiSs yOuX: stay up all through the night
xXi MiSs yOuX: we would laugh and get high
xXi MiSs yOuX: and never answer the nphone
xXi MiSs yOuX: i cant forgive
xXi MiSs yOuX: cant forget
xXi MiSs yOuX: cant give in
xXi MiSs yOuX: what went wrong?
xXi MiSs yOuX: cuz you said this was right
xXi MiSs yOuX: you fucked up my life
xXi MiSs yOuX: im sick of always hearing
xXi MiSs yOuX: al those sad songs on the radio
xXi MiSs yOuX: this place is fucking cursing it's plague
xXi MiSs yOuX: and i can never escape
xXi MiSs yOuX: when my heart it explodes
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: geek
xXi MiSs yOuX: fag
DBX4444: ass
DBX4444: nigger
DBX4444: kike
xXi MiSs yOuX: kike
xXi MiSs yOuX: damn
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: spic
xXi MiSs yOuX: you got all the good ones lol
DBX4444: chinc
DBX4444: slanted eyed slope fae
DBX4444: face*
DBX4444: jew
DBX4444: pole
DBX4444: you fucking canadian!
DBX4444: oooo that was good
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol omg guess what?
xXi MiSs yOuX: for our band trip this year
xXi MiSs yOuX: were going to
xXi MiSs yOuX: ..
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: hahha
DBX4444: kike
DBX4444: chris
DBX4444: i love u
xXi MiSs yOuX: i love you too
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: im almost done
DBX4444: only a half pagfe left
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol nice
xXi MiSs yOuX: whats it on?
DBX4444: on a quote from a famous person, just have to right my personal opinion
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol thats gay
xXi MiSs yOuX: what teacher?
DBX4444: hilton, us history honors, room 205 C block
xXi MiSs yOuX: shit im probably gonna hafta do that tommorow lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: i have same thing
DBX4444: lolz
DBX4444: sucker
DBX4444: done
xXi MiSs yOuX: nice lol
DBX4444: yuppers
DBX4444: lets talk sex
xXi MiSs yOuX: oooh lets skip the talk and just do it
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: im not like that
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: no lets talk about girls
DBX4444: now did u see ne hot ones
xXi MiSs yOuX: oh yeah i meant to talk to you about that
xXi MiSs yOuX: ive been thinking
DBX4444: yea
xXi MiSs yOuX: and i think im gonna talk to kim tomomorow
DBX4444: ok
DBX4444: want me to break the ice
xXi MiSs yOuX: im just gonnna lay it down for her and tell her how it is
xXi MiSs yOuX: no lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: youre not gonna be there lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: ill make sure of that
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: chris were finished
xXi MiSs yOuX: its not just a "conversation"
xXi MiSs yOuX: im not just gonna make random conversation
xXi MiSs yOuX: im just gonna tell her how i feel
xXi MiSs yOuX: then im gonna walk away
DBX4444: im gonna sit there and laugh
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: she'll probably take it as stalking
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol proabbly
DBX4444: ur going to jail
xXi MiSs yOuX: and i doubt ill get the balls to actually do it
DBX4444: yup
xXi MiSs yOuX: but im gonna try to lol
DBX4444: haha sure u will
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: my cock hurts
xXi MiSs yOuX: mine too
xXi MiSs yOuX: its too big
DBX4444: no for u its all that anal animal fucking
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol hmmm...maybe
DBX4444: no its true
xXi MiSs yOuX: i know it is huge isnt it?
DBX4444: no
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: y dont u do wack off
DBX4444: go*
xXi MiSs yOuX: ill
xXi MiSs yOuX: i will
xXi MiSs yOuX: later
DBX4444: lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: its not the right time yet
DBX4444: as usual
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: ur gunna have so many problems
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: u wont be able to get it up by the time ur 30
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol probbaly not
DBX4444: no itll happen
xXi MiSs yOuX: either that
DBX4444: itll hurt to get up and itl hurt to wack off
xXi MiSs yOuX: or in college ill smoke too much pot and lose all my sperm
DBX4444: well not that u had that much to begin with
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol true
DBX4444: hehe small balls
xXi MiSs yOuX: pete
xXi MiSs yOuX: i think
xXi MiSs yOuX: youre hott
DBX4444: nice
DBX4444: i am pretty cute
xXi MiSs yOuX: and by hott
xXi MiSs yOuX: i mean you have a small penis
DBX4444: u mean -s-|-m-|-a-|-l-|-l--| large
xXi MiSs yOuX: i mean this big :
xXi MiSs yOuX: | |
DBX4444: lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: i still hafta go get my last paycheck
DBX4444: u mean
| |
| |
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol um no
DBX4444: times 10
xXi MiSs yOuX: def not
xXi MiSs yOuX: i meant
xXi MiSs yOuX: | |
DBX4444: well at least its not like urs
DBX4444: thats big
DBX4444: lol
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol mines like
xXi MiSs yOuX: | |
xXi MiSs yOuX: wait no thats fucked up
DBX4444: here ill save u sum time
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: .
xXi MiSs yOuX: fuck oyu
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol
DBX4444: bring it white boy
xXi MiSs yOuX: nigger
xXi MiSs yOuX: kike
DBX4444: kikr
xXi MiSs yOuX: fag
xXi MiSs yOuX: chink
DBX4444: jew
xXi MiSs yOuX: ja[
DBX4444: spic
xXi MiSs yOuX: spick
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: canadian
xXi MiSs yOuX: lol i won that time
DBX4444: pole
xXi MiSs yOuX: nigger and kike are the most important ones
DBX4444: jap lap dancer
xXi MiSs yOuX: you know it
DBX4444: lol
DBX4444: yes
xXi MiSs yOuX: ill give you free ones any time baby
DBX4444: ?
DBX4444: ehat
xXi MiSs yOuX: lap dances
DBX4444: o
DBX4444: no thats wuite alright
xXi MiSs yOuX: or blowjobs
xXi MiSs yOuX: whichever you prefer
DBX4444: peace out
DBX4444 signed off at 9:46:47 PM.