Dec 22, 2006 17:12
Rascism? Fuck right off. Everyone has their own cruel names for each other regarding race, religion, clothing, hair length, choice in music, choice in lifestyle, etc.
How come the fucking race card is pulled so often these days? Every time i hear it used, its more in an attempt to get revenge by bringing down higher and heavier powers, as a stranglehold on "controversial" debate or as a free meal ticket.
I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it now. The only reason its controversial is because you don't like what your hearding and see fit to silence the voices of dissidence. What is happening to free speech? Is everyone so willing to advocate its dismemberment?
I'll say this now: Freedom of speech is a RIGHT not a privlage. Give that right up and watch yourself get arrested or whatever for saying that you don't like whos in charge of the police, government or any institution of power.
This is the beginning of fascism, what several countrys so adamently declared was evil and sent millions of men to fight and die for those crippled by the fascist war machine.
Are we becoming the very thing we despise? Are we already that which we proclaim to despise?
So i'll say this now: Fuck whites, fuck arabs, fuck blacks, fuck mexicans, fuck asians, fuck indians, fuck hispanics, fuck jews, fuck hindus, fuck muslims, fuck christians, fuck goths, fuck chavs, fuck ravers, fuck gangsta's. FUCK YOU ALL. You're all as stupid as eachother.
You ignorant bastards. If you can read, i suggest you read 1984. Read the news. Look at what is happening around you.
Thank you for your time.