ahh well rockfest was cool...finally got to go and we got in before everyone else so me liss tay and laur are sticking our heads out the window yelling at people...haha it was quite funny
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aww ponch its OK many people like you...idk why she said that it was uncalled for...>=( Kate can be like who she wants to be and if she looks up to her brother than she can i mean bridget you act like pat all the time so maybe you should watch what your saying
omfg i act like pat cuz i AM like pat....but kate tried to hard and makes fun of me saying " my shirts too punk" and then goes and wears it...fuck off assholes....
and i mean really...ponch is a cool guy- but enough with the fucking himself up...he has the potential to be such a good role model for all these kids and instead he isint...people look up to him and he dosent realize that they do what he does...they copy him.
umm yeah he is? mother fucker- and u DONT want me to be like pat? well if people tell me im like pat i take that as a complement because my brother kicks ass....and if u hate me so muc hstop reading my journal
and i mean really...ponch is a cool guy- but enough with the fucking himself up...he has the potential to be such a good role model for all these kids and instead he isint...people look up to him and he dosent realize that they do what he does...they copy him.
so really hes fucking up todays youth.
ur such a bitch kate cant help thats shes like ponch but u can help that ur like pat
so just fuck off!!!!!!!!!!
and if kates ur friend u whouldnt talk about her behind her back!!!!!
and this isint behind her back- its posted on the internet....
oh AND ponch was doing tussin dont fuggin lie u bitch
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