Title: Orchard of Mines
Setting: AU post AWE
Pairing: J/E
Rating: PG
A/N: 142 word drabble, written in a challenge where you listen to a song and write a drabble within the time it takes for the song to finish (hence it's crapptasticalness), however I edited this slightly. Comments welcomed.
Orchard of Mines:
"To love," she reasons with him, "is one of the most dangerous things one could do."
"Mm, how’d manage that one?"
She considers his question. "There are so many ways someone can get hurt during the callous act of loving," she says, more to herself then him. "Whether through broken hearts, denial, or… separation." The final word is spoken with a wince and he reacts unconsciously by running a soothing hand up and down her belly.
Thoughtfully, he replies "I hate to contradict you, but I’d say just the opposite."
"Because…" he waits a beat and the continues almost hesitantly, earnestly, "from experience, trusting is far more dangerous, Elizabeth."
The words are like an ice splinter through her heart and he knows it. But neither can bring themselves to say a thing and moments later, they lapse back into a kiss.ype