Feb 14, 2009 20:35
Tis been over 3 years since I've loged into Livejournal.. why you ask? I have no idea. Probably the "catchy" myspace phenomenon. Although I didnt start it cause everbody else did.. I started it cause I was curious what the hype was all about and then I found some old friends from School and stuff.. so I kept it.. and it's also now got me in touch with some new friends that I'm very happy to have. so yeah. lol I'm baaaack.
Let's see what to update you on.. ALOT. I started Cosmetology school in Sept of 06.. and ended in 07. then worked for a bit.. and then start massage therapy school last june.. and that's currently what I'm working on now. Danny is no longer in the army.. and is still one of my best friends. Walt, well. I dont want to get into huge detail with that one.. but, we're no longer together. I'm dating a wonderful guy named kris.. that I've known since I was little really, and it's going on two years since we started liking each other. He's really a special guy, and had made this and the past valentine's day memorable for me. He opens car doors, and even holds my hand in public *gasp* I <3 him. I got my liscence finally.. lol although I still really don't like driving unless I have to. but, oh well. lol. uhm, let's see what else. Big wheel days.. I havent been there in like forever. I wont lie I kinda miss it, and some of the people who went there. but, I guess that's one of the beauty's about life.. You can look back on good times and chose to forget the bad. which is like totally what I'm doing. =) I went to California with Jamie and Rog, that was loads of fun. Depending on funds I'm hoping to get back there in August for ALfest. Not getting my hopes up, but it'd be cool if I could make it.
Yeah, You'd think there'd be awhole lot to update you on in 3 years.. but, most of which.. I'd really not talk about. It's in the past for a reason, and I'm looking at the future. SO, yeah. That's about it. I hope all is well with all of you who is reading this.
I'll hopefully keep in touch more now.
I'll catch ya on the flip side.