okay so theres this big fight between like miguel and practically everyone else in this universe
http://www.livejournal.com/users/__eddie__/6533.html?view=47237#t47237 theres the link to read wats happenning but anways some boys are so immature he fuckin cursed me out.... OHHH HELL NAW... then he got da nerve to say my quince gunna suck.. yeah okay WATEVA ..first of all t wnt cuz its gunna b da BOMB n everyone knos that ur jus FUCKIN JEALOUS CUZ NO ONE WENT TO UR B-DAY PARTY!... and another thing u betta hav respect towards me lil boi cuz i dnt care if u older than me miguel ill fuckin kick ur ass so jus fuck off n leave me da hell alone!
and miguel not only will i kick ur ass but so will johnny eddie tra' josh ryan and all ma cuzins so fuckin leave me alone u dumbass
god damn this kid is a freakin stalker..
anyways 10more days till my quince.. oh n 2 more days til my CUZINS COME FROM NEW YORK N JERZEY ..yeah u hear dat miguel... anyways im gunna go out n finish preparing for my quince...