Ok, I finished my code finally and I compiled it. It works just fine. You can download the program at
http://www.17clowns.com/cpp/TempConversion.exe Here is the code:
// Temperature Conversion Tool
// This is just a simple program I am making in the process of learning C++
// Keep your eyes opened, because I hope to move on to network tools soon.
// c=(f-32)/9*5;
// f=c*9/5+32;
// Program by «ºHîñd§îgh†º»
using namespace std;
int main(void)
cout << "Would you like to convert from (F)arenheit or (C)elcius? ";
cin >> x;
while (y=='y'||y=='Y')
if (x=='f'||x=='F')
float f=0.00;
cout << "Enter a temperature to be converted from Farenheit to Celcius. ";
cin >> f;
float c=(f-32.00)/9.00*5.00;
cout << c <<" degrees Celcius is equal to "<< f <<" degrees Farenheit.\n\n"< }
else if (x=='c'||x=='C')
float c=0.00;
cout << "Enter a temperature to be converted from Celcius to Farenheit. ";
cin >> c;
float f=c*9.00/5.00+32.00;
cout << f <<" degrees Farenheit is equal to "<< c <<" degrees Celcius.\n\n"< }
cout << "Would you like to convert from (F)arenheit or (C)elcius? ";
cin >> x;
return 0;
I'm sure there are alot of other ways to do it, but mine works. If you know of any ways that are better than mine, let me know.
Thanks, Hindsight