Will this week ever end?!

Nov 15, 2005 10:57

Before I start talking about my horrid week, I'll say what a good weekend I had this past week! Friday Eric came here and we went to eat lunch at Logan's Steakhouse. I was really hyper and lunch was uber good. Logan's rolls are givin Red Lobster a run for their money. Anyway, after that we decided to get pet shopping. We went to PetSmart and looked and prices of guinea pig cages/rabbit cages. We can't decide what we want yet. Then we went to Pet City and looked at all the cute dogs, mice, and watched the lemurs for like 30 minutes. That was fun. Then I had to go back to school because I had to finish a lab that I did the day before with shrimp and plant extracts at 4. Finished that, then I showed Eric the Oompa Loompa dances that I learned which was fun! And then we watched the news at 6 becuase his friend Dallas interns there and he was actually on the news giving a sports report that night. Dallas did good! Then we went to the skating rink because Joey's band SBF15 was playing there for 4 whole hours. That was fun but boring at times. Eric and Joey skated..that was fun to watch. Then we left the skating rink and went to Denny's to eat b/c we were hungry. I was REALLY hyper there and our waiter kept saying how much fun I was having. Then we went back to his house and passed out. Saturday I had to work at Putt-Putt so Eric dropped me off at 12 and I got off at 5. Eric brought Baxter (his doggy) with him when he picked me up and we walked Baxter around and then took him to PetSmart. Then we went back to Eric's house and we all ate Hardee's chicken and watched Animal Planet. Fun times. Then we played SUPER Mario Bros and Eric beat me, and Battleship (Eric beat me) GR. Then we went to bed. Sunday I had to work at 12-4 so Eric dropped me off and then I got off early b/c I remembered that I had a stupid art lab at 4-6 which actually was over at 4:44 after Eric had already left. So I was sad. But that's ok.. b/c I needed to start doing homework anyway.


This week is crazy. So many things to do.
Monday-Plant Biology Notebook Due
Tuesday-Problem Set Due in Genetics
Wednesday-QR Assignment Due for Art
Thursday-Genetics Exam
Friday-Plant Biology Exam
Art Quiz due
Get lady to sign my internship sheet
Check putt putt schedule
Genetics Linkage Lab Write up Due

WHOA! craziness! Thankfully I already turned in my PB notebook and got an 80 on that. Then today I turned in my Genetics problem sets and the teacher said our write up could be due after thanksgiving and that 1/3 of our test would be open book that we could take home during break to work on. I'm relieved a little, but this prolly means it will be even harder. Got my last test back from that class today and I got a 57 something on it. Boo.

Anyway, my partner and I are gonna start writing our paper now just so we won't have to worry about it later.

Oh yea... This is my class schedule for Spring semester

MWF 9:10-10:10- Human Physiology
MWF 10:20-11:20- Intro to World Religions 2
MW 1:30-4:30- Art:Drawing
TR 10:30-12:00- Personal Finance
T 1:30-4:30- Human physiology Lab
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