Am I more than you bargained for, yea?

Aug 15, 2005 22:24

Time for a much needed weekend update! Friday I left and headed to Roanoke b/c that was the last weekend Eric would be there *pout* Seeing him felt so great. I just hugged him for the longest time and it felt terrific. Being with him is amazing, but when we're distant from each other, things get crazy. Anyway, Dallas called Eric and he said he had free tickets to a Salem Avalanche baseball game, so we all went there. David (the boss at Putt-Putt) had gotten Dallas 4 free tickets. The seats were awesome. We were at home plate in like the 5th row. The girl Dallas is dating was supposed to come too, but she was running late. Then during the 8th inning we decided to go sit with David in his box seats. So we went up there and I met David. He was nice. He remembered my name and where I was from (Eric told him about me and how I'm a great worker so I can get a job) then David asked if I still wanted to work there and I said yes, so he told me to fill out an app. when I get into Roanoke. Then me, Eric, Dallas, and Dallas's girl (I forgot her name!) went to Applebee's for dessert. Very good. We sat there and laughed for a long time. Then me & Eric went to his dad's and spent the night. He got me a deck of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' go-fish cards in a kids meal so we played that some. Then we watched MTV.
Saturday we went to the Putt-Putt in Lynchburg which is ALOT better than the one in Roanoke. They had go karts and wow.. alot of things! We played games for awhile then played a game of Putt-Putt. Eric got a 49 and I trailed with only 52. Oh yea.. Then we visited his grandma b/c it was her b-day. Then I fixed him lunch and we played with Lady. Then we went to walmart to see if they had Simpsons season 6 on DVD for Eric, but they didn't, so he bought me Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! I bought the new Fall Out Boy CD, which is awesome! We decided to eat at Taco Bell where some weird old guys were being weird.
Sunday we visited Dallas b/c it was his last day in town. We talked to him for awhile then went to Subway to get subs and a girl from Hollins worked there. Jessica (she was in my Birds of VA class) so we got free dinner! woo-hoo! Then we watched Family Guy and was lazy. I got to stay there an extra night b/c Mom called me when I was on my way home and said that Dr Dahl had called & said I didn't need to come in b/c my computer was broken! YAY! SO, I turned around and went back to Eric's and I ran and jumped on him! *hehe*
Then today I had to leave around 12 b/c unfortunately they got my computer working at the clinic so I had to come in. I got to work around 2 something. Very boring. And I was sooooo tired. Got off around 5:45, then came home. Nicole called me and tonight is her last night in CC. She's moving into her apartment at JMU tomorrow. We got ice cream cones at Tastee-Freeze which melted too quickly since we swang at the Robert E Lee building while we were eating them. We talked about our guys and school and things. Then we walked around CC and found that Janus was workin out at the YMCA. So we stalked him for awhile and got caught watching him by some old yoga ladies that came outside. We left him a message on his car! hehe... We told him to check his tires before he left b/c we saw some people hangin around his car (which we really didn't), then we hid and waited for him to come out. He finally came out..... AND CHECKED ALL 4 TIRES!!!!!!!!! omg.. sooo funny! I was like laying in the grass laughing so hard. Then we called him and we all hung out for awhile. We took pictures. They should be online soon! :)
Susan is coming tomorrow! We're going to the lake. It better not rain... cuz if so, we're gonna lay out anyway! REBEL AGAINST THE RAIN!
Ok.. guess that's all for now.
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