Aug 10, 2004 22:12
I'm in the happiest mood at the moment... I'm listen to this old rga mix tape....songs we used to cover and random little parts of us talking and Elena playing the drums going "this is quincinieta music" the drums go, doom to to doom to to, hahaha and mae playing brigands =P... hahahaha yeah the techno dance mix !!! "BRING BACK THE MEMORIES I CANT TAKE BACK THE MISERY, GOTTA GET GET GET GET GET UR LOVE!!!!" hahaha awww man crazy elena.... I went to uptown today with Mike, i actually felt like i was needed!!! i haven't felt like that in a looooooong time !!! but man for mike i'd do just about anything i seriously love him, but not in the i wanna have ur kids kind of way, but he's like my brother, he listens to my stupid girl drama and i listen to his man problems =P its cuuuuuute hahahahaha.... seriously i tell him just about everything that goes on with me, and he can tell just by hearing my voice that somethings wrong even when im talking normal...its scary... he's one of those friends that once u finally find um, u better hold on to um cuz u know they're never gonna hurt u in any way, shape, or form... he's seriously a really awesome guy, that has one of those intimadting exteriors, so i guess thats a way we connect, but once u get to know him he's the coolest kid on the block ;)... and ladies he's surely a catch =P ... well tomorrow Jacqies gonna keep me company, and i have quince practice, Jacqie i forgot to tell u that, so if u read thise b4 i tell u , ur coming with me lady!!!! alright until mañana peeps!!!