Jun 20, 2004 21:00
its pretty lame to that the majority of like teenage drama (girls anyways)has to deal with crushes... For me anyways, that usually means disappointments, big huge disappointments... Everytime I develop a crush and don't ever act on it I usual regret my decision and forever have that feeling that i made a huge mistake and i ruined what could have been... Yet even though i realize that all of my thoughts and ponders, just seem to make me more upset, i still do it, accidentally. Like take right now for example... i was perfectly content and i just bummed myself out by doing this... but i guess its like a therapy thing...it has to come out sometime right??? and i can never really get into deep expression when trying to confide in my friends or people, i always feel like i'm wasting their time and then i get embarrassed of doing so... ooo but its even worse when they do know that you like them and they don't do anything about it, even though they claimed to feel the same way (tiff u know... ahhh that hurts soooooo bad!!! Cuz then i feel useless and unwanted, like a old pair of shoes =(....ahhh but its happened one too many times and i want this girlie drama bullshit to end, please???