A Cloud to Bring A Floating Mountain: Greetings with a familiar kiss!

Nov 25, 2007 07:22

 A Cloud to Bring A Floating Mountain: Greetings with a familiar kiss!

Sunshine arise center stage.

Insisting on a standing ovation for each dim lit hour.
These credited creatures that appear moments inbetween,
With a map of a skyline view that centers on the reluctant break of dawn.

Floating freely in a range of overlapping blue and white,
upon a layer of green that threatens the key to mornings piano.
This photograph captures a mountain awaiting sentence,
but sentences are safe in military time on a rotating circle.

Fullfilled in an overwhelming nature,
never denied access of shedding this layer of skin upon the summer daises.
This mountain tells of a kiss in transit with hourly delays,
Our lives skillfully placed in bottles on the surface of its destination.

When waves meet shoreline it can be read in the angle of light,
A focused glimpse of translucent yellow designed on the wings of the salty lips of sea.

A cloud to bring a floating mountain into mornings bright blue eyes,
In the closed-eye seems of something new we are greeted with a familiar kiss.

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