Aug 10, 2007 21:09
It seems, of late, that most people in my life, whether I like them much or not, have something to say. Something personal, something hurtful or just something to chip away, just a little more, at the ever eroding state of my sanity.
What on earth am I babbling about?
If I told you I was getting married and that, considering I am vegan and my fiancé a vegetarian, there will only be vegan, vegetarian and gluten free meals provided, would you attack me for half an hour about how I am forcing my beliefs upon everyone else and therefore I am being unfair?
If I told you I was wearing monochrome white chucks and the bridesmaids were wearing monochrome tan chucks, would your response be that I will not only ruin my dress but also am dragging the girls down into my stupidity?
How would you feel if none of your flat mates talked to you because you were weird? (I must add that I am actually not that weird) and you came home one day to find that someone had moved in to the spare room, they have now been here 3 days and no one told you or anything?
Now this one I understand, if you lived in a flat with me, and my cat had a crap in the shower, and he had done it before, 3 months ago once, and you didn't tell me and there are four showers in the house and i don't use or even walk past the one he thinks is a toilet, would you get so angry at me and tell me I may have to get rid of him? Remembering that I had no idea he had and was doing it, thinking 3 months ago was because I had locked him in that day?
There is so so so many other things. Goodness me, I have had job interviews and job trials all week. Hospital was on monday, where they only found one area this time. It's been a difficult week.