metalcore in indiana aaww shit

Jun 25, 2005 12:06

Yea so it took 14-15 hours to get here driving. I have been here since tuesday. It's fucking hot out but my mom has a pool so its pretty bad ass. Playing basketball then jumping in the pool to cool down is mint. I brought my anime to save me from bordome. I think Berserk has passed samurai x for my favorite anime. Yep, its that good. Thanks Dave!!!! Tommorow I am going to a show in KY to see a band from MA. ooohhh shit, on broken wings are playing here with my friends band son of day. Check em out bitches: My friend Rob, my sister, and her friend kayla just flew in yesterday. Land of the dead owns my soul. I miss all of my niggaz, and we shall chill when I get back. Dave got me tickets to see Bleeding Through when I get back. Mint.
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